Sending a message to multiple objects

Peter Haworth pete at
Thu Apr 22 14:20:24 EDT 2010

Thanks Mark and Sarah, Sounds like just what I need.  How do I find  
this on RevOnline?  I searched for MVC but nothing came up.

Pete Haworth

On Apr 22, 2010, at 1:01 AM, use-revolution-request at  
> Message: 19
> Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2010 20:08:43 -0700
> From: Mark Wieder <mwieder at>
> Subject: Re: Sending a message to multiple objects
> To: How to use Revolution <use-revolution at>
> Message-ID: <88665347421.20100421200843 at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> Sarah-
> Wednesday, April 21, 2010, 4:18:27 PM, you wrote:
>> There was an MVC demo stack doing the rounds a couple of years ago. I
>> think it used something similar to this where controls registered
>> their interest and then all registered controls got the specified
>> messages. I forget who wrote the stack, but a search for "MVC.rev"
>> might turn up something. Or maybe the original author could step in
>> here before my vague memories cause too much confusion :-)
> Um... yeah... that would be me. I believe the library and demo stack
> might be on revOnline (can't check at the moment), but I'll repost it
> if it's not. I originally thought that what I was presenting was an
> MVC construct, but David Bovill convinced me otherwise. It *does*
> implement the publish-and-subscribe pattern whereby you can register
> controls' interest in receiving messages from any or from specific
> other controls.
> -- 
> -Mark Wieder
> mwieder at

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