ANN: PopUp Menu with Key-Combination Shortcuts

zryip theSlug zryip.theslug at
Wed Apr 21 16:47:00 EDT 2010

2010/4/21 Roger Guay <irog at>:
> I just uploaded a stack to Rev Online that shows a rather simple (I didn't say elegant) way to make popup menus with key-combination shortcuts. Just look for "Popup Menu w Shortcuts". I would appreciate any improvement suggestions.
> Thanks and cheers,
> Roger Guay

Hi Roger,

Interesting demo, thanks for sharing ;)

Instead of the repeat loop to look for the correct item:

on controlKeyDown theKey
   set itemdelimiter to tab

repeat for the number of lines of btn "popupMenu" -- Menu items are
the "lines" of the Popup btn
   add 1 to theNum
   if last char of line theNum of btn "popupMenu" = theKey then \
   put item 1 of line theNum of btn "PopupMenu"  into fld "Rfld"
end repeat

   pass controlKeyDown
end controlKeyDown

You may use the lineOffset function like this:

 get lineOffset("ctrl+" & theKey,btn "popupMenu")
 if (it is 0) then
      put "Nothing" into fld "Rfld"
      put item 1 of line it of btn "PopupMenu"  into fld "Rfld"
 end if

Just a suggestion to facilitate the work of Revolution ;)

-Zryip TheSlug- wish you the best! 8)

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