revMail in Windows

Sarah Reichelt sarah.reichelt at
Sat Apr 17 20:13:27 EDT 2010

On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 9:36 AM, Alex Tweedly <alex at> wrote:
> Sarah Reichelt wrote:
>> I can't get all the data I need in my bug report down to 1000
>> characters, so does anyone know of an alternative way to send emails
>> on Windows?
>> I want it to go through the user's mail client as I ask them to supply
>> additional information and attach screen shots. Otherwise I could use
>> an irev script on my web site.
> It's kind of lame, but ....
> copy the data you want to send to the clipboard,
> use revmail with a very short message   (something like .... " now please
> Paste in the data from the clipboard")

Thanks Alex, that is certainly a possibility.
I have stripped the error report down a lot, but there could still be
variations that make it too long, so I might add this as an extra


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