Creating files on on-rev

Björnke von Gierke bvg at
Tue Apr 6 10:09:33 EDT 2010

Check for permissions.

Like most web servers, the on-rev server uses the unix style permission system. So, to write a file anywhere, you need to give permission to the running processes owner ("user" in unix-speak) for the folder you want to write stuff to. Otherwise the write will fail. Sometimes there is an error log entry, or something returned to rev in "the result", but not always.

The easiest way to make sure permissions are not a problem, is to set the whole folder to writeable for "everyone". Depending on what kind of syntax your ftp client uses, that'd be "-rw-rw-rw-" or "666". Be aware that giving permission to "everyone" can result in a security problem, depending on what your site does. Note that files  containing rev- or other kinds of server side code in them would need to have the executable bit set for the "owner" user, and maybe also the group.

To set the permission of your folder to be writeable by everyone, you must log in with a ftp client who supports the feature of setting permissions (most do). I use "cyberduck" for ftp on mac os x, because one can use it without paying.

For a more detailed explanation about what unix file permission do, check this wikipedia entry:

Have fun

On 6 Apr 2010, at 15:18, Kevin Stallibrass wrote:

> On Kevin's on-rev how to videos, he uses
> put something after URL "file:log.txt"
> ...
> I don't understand the syntax for this URL - is it right? Or perhaps my
> configuration (Freyr) is wrong?


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