Renaming and Deleting

Ray Horsley Ray at LinkIt.Com
Fri Sep 25 12:35:33 EDT 2009

Greetings Users,

I've discovered that rename oldFolderPath to newFolderPath doesn't  
work on Windows.  (Works fine on Mac as far as I can tell.)  I'm not  
trying to relocate a folder, just rename it.  No files in the folder  
are open when I try to do this.

I've also discovered that delete file myFilePath doesn't work for  
certain files depending on which platform you're on.  I've made sure  
these files are not open while I'm trying to delete them.  On the Mac  
I can't delete a stand alone.  I also can't delete bundles such as the  
revbrowser.bundle or revexternals.bundle files.  On Windows I can  
delete a standalone but I can't delete the corresponding dll files  
such as revbrowser.dll or revxml.dll.  The only thing I get in the  
result is "can't delete that file".

Does anybody have any 'insudtrial strength' ways in which a folder can  
be renamed and these particular files can be deleted.


Ray Horsley
LinkIt! Software

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