Java applets & Revlets

David Bovill david.bovill at
Thu Sep 24 14:56:33 EDT 2009

2009/9/22 Jerry Balzano <gjbalzano at>

> I hope this isn't too bizarre a request.
> I want a Revlet to be able to control which of several (pre-made) Java
> applets a user sees.  How would one do this?  Is it possible to embed a Java
> applet inside a Revlet?

No - as you cant have revbrowser in the revlets.

> I was looking through previous messages to see if this question had been
> asked previously and I learned (a little) about a stack property called the
> revletParams, but I don't know how or if it would apply here.  For example,
> would one stick the whole string
> <applet code="org.nlogo.window.Applet"
>        archive="NetLogoLite.jar"
>        width="460" height="280">
>  <param name="DefaultModel"
>         value="Tag.nlogo">
> </applet>
> inside the revletParams?  (And then what?)

There may be some hacks - others can maybe comment on that... but for
controlling things properly on the same page you should wait for when we can
call JavaScript from the Revlet within the context of the page. The
JavaScript can then do any AJAX style hide / show you may need as well as
communicate directly with the Java applets.

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