use-revolution Digest, Vol 72, Issue 18 -- Solution for Problems with Snow Leopard

Richard Gaskin ambassador at
Sun Sep 13 16:17:59 EDT 2009

sandrah9 wrote:

 > On Sun, Sep 13, 2009 at 12:42 PM, Till Bandi wrote:
 >> I just installed snow leopard - and now I can't launch a stack with
 >> a double click anymore from the finder. I get the dialog:
 >> <<Unable to open stack: stack is corrupted, check for ~ backup file. >>
 >> If I open the same stack within runrev with the open command,
 >> everything works as expected. If I "launch" the stack, I get
 >> the same problem.
 > I had the same problem, and here is the solution. You need to
 > insert the Snow Leopard disc again and load the application
 > "Rosetta" which is included separately on the disc. Once loaded,
 > go to your Revolution application and click on it but don't open
 > it. While it is highlighted, go to top finder menu and select the
 > "Get Information" under "File". On the window that opens you will
 > see the information for the Rev application and then you check the
 > box for "use Rosetta". Once you do that it will open as it once
 > did by double-clicking on any of your Rev. documents.

I thought the Rev app was in Universal Binary formant, no?

If so, why wouldn't Snow Leopard just ignore the PPC half?

I wonder how many of our own apps may be similarly affected....

  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World
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