The Conference.

Richmond Mathewson richmondmathewson at
Sat Sep 5 06:42:22 EDT 2009

The Conference, to my mind, was a bit like the curate's egg: good in parts.
However, I suspect that different parts were good for different people.

What did I learn:

1. All the new stuff about graphic objects: fillGradient and so forth.

   Sounds unfamiliar? Download revMedia 4 and get digging!

2. That SWITCH is nothing to be scared of: this means I have to
    go home and rewrite about 90% of my codebase for my
    Sanskrit typewriter: but the thing should be one hell of a
    lot faster.

3. That the people who 'are' Runtime Revolution are very nice,
    human people rather than weird anoraks lurking in basements.

4. That RR is well worth sticking with, and all the effort put into
    learning the language is paying off.

NOW: a quick "crit on the conf"; or, maybe, how to do the next conf.:

It would have served more people's interests if, after the initial "big
if attendees had split up into several, small special interest groups where
they could have focussed, tightly, on their specific needs.

I enjoyed myself a lot.

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