[OT] tip: use jumpcut for multiple clipboards - OS X 10.3.9 or later

George C Brackett gbrackett at luceatlux.com
Mon Oct 26 21:27:37 EDT 2009

I really like PTHPasteboard Pro (http://pth.com/products/ 
pthpasteboard/). Simple, straightforward, does what you need.


On Oct 26, 2009, at 8:22 PM, Jim Ault wrote:

On Oct 26, 2009, at 2:25 PM, Josh Mellicker wrote:

> Ever jump to a different script (or email, document, etc.) and need  
> to copy more than one thing?
> Rather than going back and forth, just install jumpcut:
> http://jumpcut.sourceforge.net/
> You can copy script snippets, multiple phrases, whatever (I've only  
> used it for text), then when pasting, use cntrl-opt v and choose  
> from your last x copies.

Good suggestion, especially for those doing web site design.  There  
are so many pieces that need to be moved/copied between programs and  
internet locations.

For years I used CopyPaste Lite (free), and recently upgraded to  
CopyPaste Pro because of the extra features and storage capabilities.

Jim Ault
Las Vegas

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