Sending keyDown

Richard Gaskin ambassador at
Thu Oct 22 18:29:47 EDT 2009

DunbarX wrote:
> That mouseWithin is not sent if no handler exists in the heirarchy seems 
> prudent and clever; I cannot see a downside. But I am not sure that a parallel 
> exists if I explicitly send a native message to the engine.

Send is pretty slow as it is (relatively speaking).  If the engine had 
to check not only messages in the target script but also all system 
messages, it would be even slower.

> And I will play again with "dispatch". It harkens back to the days of the 
> pony express.

Dispatch is so handy since it lets you handle params much more naturally 
than "send".

I've always wanted a "with <args>" option for "send", and with 
"dispatch" at long last I have it. :)

Extra bonus points:  when you get some time check out behaviors, another 
fab feature in v3.5, maybe my favorite in years.  With behaviors you 
could make any number of fields of the sort you're making, and still 
keep your code in one place.  Add something to that behavior script, and 
every object that uses it automatically gets the new feature.  Behaviors 
have completely changed my coding style....

  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World Media Corporation
  Developer of WebMerge: Publish any database on any Web site
  Ambassador at

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