Icon images, hilites and inks

Sarah Reichelt sarah.reichelt at gmail.com
Wed Oct 14 21:47:25 EDT 2009

On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 10:07 AM, Nicolas Cueto <niconiko at gmail.com> wrote:
> A "Dictionary" search in v4 didn't turnp up "colorOverlay[]" or "dropShadow[]".
> Is there a place/doc that lists in detail the new commands in v4? (And
> how did Sarah learn about these?)

When the Rev 4 DPs came out, there was a demo stack you could get that
showed how these effects worked.
Since the Inspector at the time did not have the ability to set these
directly, I took the demo stack apart to see how it all worked. Here
is a copy of what I posted to the Improve list at the time, but
updated to show the current settings in Rev 4.0.0-dp-4 so if anyone is
using my previous list, grab this one instead as there are several

Each effect is set up as an array that is a property of the object.
Setting the array to empty for an object turns off the effect - this
is the complete array, no any single member of it.
Setting any element of the array for an object turns the effect on,
presumably with default values for the other keys in the array.

set the dropShadow[color] of btn "Test Button" to "0,0,0"    -- turns
on drop shadow effect
set the dropShadow of btn "Test Button" to ""    -- turns off drop shadow effect

Here is a full list (I think) of the arrays, the keys in each array
and what they can be set to:

dropShadow[color]               -- r,g,b
dropShadow[blendMode]   -- normal, multiply or colordodge
dropShadow[opacity]     -- 0 - 255
dropShadow[size]                -- 0 - 63
dropShadow[distance]    -- 0 - 255
dropShadow[angle]               -- 0 - 359
dropShadow[spread]      -- 0 - 255
dropShadow[knockout]    -- true or false
dropShadow[filter]    -- gaussian, box1pass, box2pass or box3pass

innerShadow[color]              -- r,g,b
innerShadow[blendMode]  -- normal, multiply or colordodge
innerShadow[opacity]    -- 0 - 255
innerShadow[size]               -- 0 - 63
innerShadow[distance]   -- 0 - 255
innerShadow[angle]   -- 0 - 359
innerShadow[spread]     -- 0 - 255
innerShadow[filter]    -- gaussian, box1pass, box2pass or box3pass

outerGlow[color]                -- r,g,b
outerGlow[blendMode]    -- normal, multiply or colordodge
outerGlow[opacity]      -- 0 - 255
outerGlow[size]         -- 0 - 63
outerGlow[spread]               -- 0 - 255
outerGlow[range]                -- 0 - 255
outerGlow[filter]    -- gaussian, box1pass, box2pass or box3pass

innerGlow[color]                -- r,g,b
innerGlow[blendMode]    -- normal, multiply or colordodge
innerGlow[opacity]      -- 0 - 255
innerGlow[size]         -- 0 - 63
innerGlow[spread]               -- 0 - 255
innerGlow[range]                -- 0 - 255
innerGlow[filter]    -- gaussian, box1pass, box2pass or box3pass
innerGlow[source]               -- edge or center

colorOverlay[color]     -- r,g,b
colorOverlay[blendMode] -- normal, multiply or colordodge
colorOverlay[opacity]   -- 0 - 255

As you can see, while there are a few basic keys, the others vary
depending on the effect chosen.

The demo stack does not surround the key names with quotes, so I
didn't show them here, but I wonder is it better to do:
  set the dropShadow["color"] of btn "Test Button" to "0,0,0"
instead of
  set the dropShadow[color] of btn "Test Button" to "0,0,0"


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