Interactive image overlays

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Wed Oct 7 17:38:11 EDT 2009

David Bovill wrote:
> I'm wanderign if anyone has any recommendations for creating irregularly
> shaped hot spots on images - equivalent to html image maps? The problem is
> that if you make a polygon transparent it no longer gets any mouseUp / user
> interaction like you would with a transparent button. The best I can come up
> with is to set the ink to "noop" and keep the polygon opaque. Seems to work
> though I don;t know how well that will work out cross-platform yet?
> Anyone got a stratgegy for creating clickable transparent polygonal overlays
> in Rev?

Fill it with white and set the blendlevel to 99?

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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