Interesting blog post - comments anyone?

Randall Reetz randall at
Mon Nov 30 15:26:00 EST 2009

As for the direct inheritance hypercard owes to smalltalk, if you don't see it, you are not recognizing the huge difference between pre and post object thinking in programming.  That dan winkler chose to use the word "talk" in hypertalk was a strong wink to alan kay and his smalltalk (the first object and message passing language).  In a very real way, hypercard was more object oriented than smalltalk simple because objects were reafied into the more tactile and "physical" world of interaction widgets as pre-typed entities blessed by official and unalterable associated behaviors.  Ask dan if he owes a nod to alan?

And please don't argue one point to distract from others.

Integrity.  Transparency of intent.


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