Problem Calling Custom Card Props with the Same Name Using Switch

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Sun Nov 29 21:25:48 EST 2009

Gregory Lypny wrote:
> Can we assign the same name to custom props of two different objects,
> for example, the modificationDate of Card 1 and the modificationDate of
Card 2?

Yes, I do it all the time.
> What is important here is that both cards have a custom prop with the
> same name, y, and that y has a different value for each (123 or ABC).
> The button to show the values of the props also uses Switch.
> on mouseUp
>    put the short name of this card
>    switch the short name of this card
>       case "First Card"
>          put the x of this card into x
>          put the y of this card into y
>          put return & "x" && x && "y" && y after msg
>          break
>       case "Second Card"
>          put the y of this card into y
>          put the z of this card into z
>          put return & "y" && y && "z" && z after msg
>          break
>    end switch
> end mouseUp

This fails for me too, but only if I keep the property name you 
assigned. If I change the property to "cY" it works as expected. I'm not 
sure why, but I'd guess the engine is using "y" for something. Since I 
always preface my custom properties with "c", I haven't run into this 
before, but I think you should probably bug-report it. It's an odd one.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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