Edit field weirdness

Sarah Reichelt sarah.reichelt at gmail.com
Mon Nov 23 16:14:43 EST 2009

On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 2:35 AM, David Coker <davidocoker at gmail.com> wrote:
> Update:
> I found the culprit, but don't have any idea as to the "why" of it.
> It wasn't the datagrid at all... I remembered adding a menu to the stack as an afterthought. I can delete the menu bar and all of the edit fields start functioning properly again.
> With this app, I was hesitant to add the menu bar anyway, but decided to simply to have a more "proper" U.I. for good measure. I may "roll my own" menu if I decide for some reason that I really need one, but it would be cool to know what the conflict is/was just the same. If anyone can shed alight on the subject, that would be great!

The problem is that newly created menus have no scripts. So when you
were copying, pasting etc., this would have been triggering the menu
shortcut, but the menu button had no instructions so nothing happened.

Go to the Menu Builder, select the Edit menu and click "Auto-Script".
Then edit the script for the Edit menu and you will see a basic
structure. Add the relevant commands to the script: cut, copy, paste,
and then try again.


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