Hot Tracking a text line in a field

Mark Schonewille m.schonewille at
Mon Nov 23 04:22:48 EST 2009

Hi Mark,

In the old RevOnline (Rev 3.0 and earlier) I have a sample stack  
called Reading Guide, which does what you want. My user name is Mark.

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering

Download Strõm Flow Chart Software

Op 23 nov 2009, om 04:11 heeft Mark Stuart het volgende geschreven:

> Hi all,
> Platform: WinXP
> RunRev: 4.0
> I've built a TreeView like field with parent nodes and indented  
> child nodes.
> If you're familiar with Tree Views in Windows, you'll notice that as  
> you
> mouse over a node in the tree, it underlines the text. And as you  
> leave the
> node, it returns to plain formatting.
> I'd like to apply this behavior to my field.
> I've tried different mouse commands in the "on mouseMove" handler,  
> but can't
> get the desired effect.
> How would I go about that?
> Regards,
> Mark Stuart

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