revlet works locally - fails on server

Sarah Reichelt sarah.reichelt at
Sun Nov 22 19:09:41 EST 2009

On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 8:21 AM,  <Roger.E.Eller at> wrote:
> This works with the app saved for web in Revolution 4.0:
> file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/username/Desktop/MyAppFolder/Web/MyApp.html
> I upload the 2 files (MyApp.revlet and MyApp.html) to web server, and they
> fail in ie and firefox:
> Error displayed in browser:
> runrev (logo)
> "Powered by"
> "There was an error loading the revlet - could not open input file"

I assume that the revlet & the html file are still in the same folder
on the server?
Did you upload the files as text? FTP clients can do that sometimes
and it converts any binary files into garbage. Make sure it is set to
auto or binary.
Next idea: does the revlet try to access another file that it could
find on your computer, but not on the server?


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