revTalk - iRev - revWeb - PHP - iPhone and back again

Thomas McGrath III mcgrath3 at
Wed Nov 4 08:44:44 EST 2009

I have been plugging away at writing an iPhone application that  
manipulates photos and uploads them online (why I have been so silent  
on the list for awhile). And except for a major confusion working with  
the internal database (still unresolved) I have been able to get  
everything else working.

What I can do so far is load a view on the iPhone and take a picture  
or use a picture from the camera/library on the iPhone, add a  
background, a frame and some text from a database. I can also edit the  
text in a table and save to a user file in the device. Lastly, I can  
email and SMS the final image to another phone or computer and NOW I  
can send the picture up to rev-online via a 'borrowed' PHP script.

What I would like to do is have either iRev or a revWeb standalone  
'know' when new images are uploaded and display them in the browser  
for users to see and show. I would also like to have iRev/revWeb send  
out a push notification to another iPhone application (the image  
viewer) so that viewers will know that other users have uploaded new  
pictures. I am studying up on the push notification on the iPhone side.

The Problem:
The problem is that I , like a lot of other revTalk developers, am  
clueless when it comes to PHP and iRev and the how's and why's and  
where's of how all of these tie together. What with learning from  
scratch all of the objective-c code I really haven't had the time to  
also learn PHP and even if I had, figuring out how to tie them all  
together for what I want is a daunting task. There are no books or  
videos or tutorials on how to accomplish these things. I am getting  
little tid-bits from this list like the great explanation recently on  

In the past I could just download a sample stack and tear it apart and  
'see' how it all works but now there are so few examples of each of  
these "as they are related to each other" that I just don't know where  
to turn. We revver's  have such a unique product line and being able  
to integrate this with HTML, CSS, PHP, Javascript, CGI, Wordpress,  
etc. and for my case being able to use iRev to handle incoming images  
from my iPhone application and then possibly sending/handling the push  
notification back, there is such opportunity for this if only we can  
put it all together.

I just don't know any "HTML, CSS, PHP, Javascript, mySQL, SQLite,  
Javascript, CGI, Wordpress, Objective-C, C++, Apache, on-rev server,   
iRev RevTalking" experts. I think we are to be the first.

I am willing to share what I have learned on the objective-c side (it  
is so cool being able to send an image to my own on-rev server from my  
own phone) and I need to get up to date on how the rest ties together.  
The bigger picture as it were but with enough details to work it out.  
I will eventually figure it out, but wouldn't it be great if we had a  
way to put it all together in one place. The shared expertise of all  
on this list directed towards individual multi-part objectives to be  
shared by all. The big picture. A sort of zoomQuilt for RevTalkers.

Warmest regards,

Tom McGrath III
Lazy River Software
3mcgrath at

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