[code] live resizing code for behaviour objects

Shao Sean shaosean at wehostmacs.com
Fri May 15 09:00:52 EDT 2009

Thought I would make this code available for others who may want to  
write custom controls and would like them to be resizable in the  
IDE.. This code does live resizing when the control is resized from  
the drag handles and will update (not live though) if you are using  
the Geometry Manager on the control.

If anyone has my old Filter Field Widget they can see the code in  
action in there, if not you will see some projects in the near future  
that use this code :)


ps. this code goes in the parentScript not the actual object's script

on resizeControl
end resizeControl

on revCacheGeometry
end revCacheGeometry

private command _resizeControl
   constant kControlHeight = 0     -- set to 0 [zero] if no  
contraining is required
   local tLockLoc

   lock screen

   if (the environment = "development") then
     put the lockLocation of me into tLockLoc
     set the lockLocation of me to TRUE

     --- ensure that the control is contrained in height; set to 0  
[zero] if no contraining is required
     if (kControlHeight > 0) AND (the height of me <> kControlHeight)  
       set the height of me to kControlHeight
     end if

     --- move and resize your control's components here
     ----- end

     set the lockLocation of me to tLockLoc     -- restore the  
control's original lockLocation setting
   end if
end _resizeControl

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