Set Custom property in standalone?

Joe Lewis Wilkins pepetoo at
Mon May 11 22:38:40 EDT 2009

But if you saved the changed CPs to an external text file, could you  
not then load those values back to the CPs on startup of the standalone?

Joe Wilkins

On May 11, 2009, at 7:32 PM, J. Landman Gay wrote:

> Josep wrote:
>> Hi list,
>> It's posible to write the value of a custom property in a  
>> standalone? I
>> trying but I can't obtain any succes.
>> I use "set the cpDummy of stack "s_main_stack" to true"
>> This work in a standalone? Can I modify the custom properties? or  
>> only are
>> read-only?
> You can create, set, and read custom properties in a standalone. But  
> when the standalone quits, the properties will not be saved.
> If you have built a standalone that contains custom properties, they  
> will be permanent and in fact, can't be deleted. Standalones can't  
> alter themselves, so whatever is in them when they are built is what  
> they will always contain.
> -- 
> Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
> HyperActive Software           |

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