Preferred Multi-Platform Development Method

Phil Davis revdev at
Fri May 8 13:41:50 EDT 2009

Richard Gaskin wrote:
> Derek Bump wrote:
>> I'm just curious, but for those of you who have an Enterprise license,
>> how do you develop your stacks/standalones for multiple platforms?
>> Do you keep each platform separate and write the same stack for each
>> platform itself?  Or do you have 1 stack file and use Property Profiles
>> and platform() functions to determine functionality?
> I maintain only one code base, using forked code within specific 
> handlers as needed.

Ditto. I'm generally not as rigorous as Mr. Gaskin in some of the 
implementation details, but I definitely subscribe to the same 
principles. I think you would quickly find that maintaining two copies 
of an app is more trouble than it's worth.

Phil Davis

PDS Labs
Professional Software Development

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