shell access in on-rev - please do not complain anymore

Bill Marriott wjm at
Mon May 4 17:26:47 EDT 2009

This was one of the first policies to be changed... you can get SSH (shell) 
access on request, no problem, with on-Rev. p.s.: The Founder's offer is 
still available until 11:59 GMT Tuesday I think.

<runrev260805 at> wrote in message 
news:00036331.49FF0E1D at
> Hi,
> i do not know, what web hosting does mean in the other countries.
> But if i buy a web hosting package here in germany, then it is normal, 
> that i do not get full shell access.
> If i want full control of the server including shell access i have to 
> purchase a server or a virtual server package.
> On-rev offers lot more than normal web hosting. So i cannot understand why 
> so many people are complaining about the
> missing shell access. Btw. before purchasing on-rev everyone can see the 
> feature chart of on-rev. There is nothing to
> read about shell access.
> Okay, if there would be the possibility to use some command line tools 
> like magick this would be fine.
> But i, for one, want a system, which is not vulnerable because everyone 
> gets (full) shell access.
> Sorry, but i am just in a bad temper at the moment and i am sick of 
> reading messages complaining about a missing feature
> which was even not promised by Runrev.
> I do not know how much you pay for other web hosting packages, but with 
> the on-rev founder offer i can spent about 130,- Euros a month.

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