applescript - repeat if exists document x

Jim Sims sims at
Wed Mar 11 16:13:44 EDT 2009

I'm trying to get a count of open photoshop image files. They do not  
show up using terminal and lsof. Therefore I am undergoing an exercise  
that always reinforces how much I like using Rev - using  
applescript.   :-P

The following result will tell me how many image files are open in  
"Photoshop Elements 4.0"
My problem is that it looks for a set number of times (30) and then  
tells me the count.

I would like to have it not perform the repeat with a set number (as  
in 30) but to count until it knows that it got them all. IOW so it  
quits repeating after a counter of N if there are N files open. Hope  
I'm making sense here  :-/

Any applescript Gurus out there?

set z to 0
set x to 0
repeat 30 times
	tell application "Photoshop Elements 4.0"
		set x to x + 1
		if exists document x then set z to z + 1
		set counter to z
	end tell
end repeat
return counter


sims at
Skype:   sims.jim
iChat:   techietours
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