My BBC Master - - - getting Beeped-off.

Judy Perry katheryn.swynford at
Wed Mar 11 12:11:12 EDT 2009

On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 8:25 AM, Richard Gaskin
<ambassador at>wrote:

> I'd risk the same for you if ever anyone dared to question your
> character while I'm around. You're my SoCal homey; I got yer back. :)
> Someone would have to work very hard to prove to me that you've ever been
> dishonest with me, and until such proof I'm obliged by principle to presume
> your honesty.

--Hey homie -- I've got your back too!

> If we may politely move forward, back to the beeps at hand:
> In recent discussion here I finally joined the converts on the value of
> sound channels for certain types of playback.  While I don't need them
> myself right now, I can see where others would.
> It might be nice to have this in the engine, but evidently Kevin has
> found no greater persuasion than Raney on this, so perhaps it would make
> a great external.

--Agreed.  And I have hope.  I have a wee bit more than hope actually.

> In fact, the nature of the commands needed would seem to lend themselves
> well to the externals API, independent as they are of the rendering
> buffer, event loop, and other sticky things (though Chris Bonnert did
> such a good job with AltBrowser that maybe those things are only sticky
> for me <g>).
> This seems an excellent undertaking for any of the folks here with a C
> compiler and a passion for this this sort of audio playback.  Might even
> make a good RevSelect product when it's done, and if some of the folks
> who need it would be willing to prepay to have it written, it seems a
> zero-risk option for someone to take it on.
> One question about it: why stop at two channels?  Four seems infinitely
> more useful; "Sgt. Pepper" was recorded in four tracks, so close to
> anything should be possible with that number. :)  Is there anything
> technically which would restrict this to two channels on modern systems?

--I agree.  HC had 8.  I want no less ;-)

> This morning you wrote:
>  Which is why we're all still talking about it years later... which is why
>> Rebecca Bettancourt made a hack a few years ago to allow some of us to do
>> what it is that you are saying you want to do (and you're obviously not
>> alone, even if you're traveling in a very small herd).
> If we're talking about a behavior that was native to HC, was Ms.
> Bettencourt's "hack" for Rev?  I didn't know she uses Rev.

--You don't remember Shakobox?  See Jacque's site.   I'm not being rude in
this; you really don't remember Shakobox?  I even recently d/l RB to take a
look at its source code because it seems it's slowly breaking... but, not
being a real programmer, I gave up after an hour or so :*-(


> --
>  Richard Gaskin
>  Fourth World
>  Revolution training and consulting:
>  Webzine for Rev developers:
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