sorting advice

Nicolas Cueto niconiko at
Fri Jun 19 01:23:33 EDT 2009

Still avoiding thinking too much...

Given this list (a ref-number followed
by a dot-separated date):

 bg2334 12.21.09
 bg9788 1.10.02
 bg6554 11.30.11
 bg8902 6.6.04
 bg4021 2.29.12
 bg1210 1.2.02
 bg3008 12.3.09
 bg5526 5.29.04

what sort-command combo would
re-order it ascending by the date
to become:

  bg1210 1.2.02
  bg9788 1.10.02
  bg5526 5.29.04
  bg8902 6.6.04
  bg3008 12.3.09
  bg2334 12.21.09
  bg6554 11.30.11
  bg4021 2.29.12

Note that the ref-number and the date
are space-separated, and I'm using
"." instead of the english date's "/".
Also, the date form is "month[1-12,
no leading zero], day[1-31], year [00-
09, leading zero].

I'll be experimenting on my own to hit on
the magic combination, but in the meantime
I thought I'd post a plea since someone is
very likely to reply a solution sooner than I
can guess one up.

Thank you.

Nicolas Cueto

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