How to handle a "wait for file" situation

George C Brackett gbrackett at
Tue Jun 9 11:54:19 EDT 2009

I'm not sure, but this might work:  If you divide your script into two  
	on firstPart
	on secondPart
  using whatever script local variables you need for them to  
communicate, then you could say in the last line of firstPart
	send "secondPart" to me in 18 seconds

This way you're not blocking the processor.  I guess to avoid having  
the firstPart execute again during the 18 seconds you will have to set  
a flag that you're "waiting" and bail if the flag is set.  Would that  


On Jun 9, 2009, at 10:16 AM, Richard Miller wrote:

Not sure of the best way to handle this.

I have a script that gets to a point in its processing where it needs  
to wait up to 18 seconds for the appearance of a file. I know I can  
use a simple "repeat until there is a file xxx" type of loop (exiting  
from the loop if the time exceeds 18 seconds), but I'm thinking  
there's a better way to handle this. This script is running on a cgi  
server and there could be numerous simultaneous scripts doing the same  
thing... so I want to minimize the load on the CPU.


Richard Miller
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