Revlet save a txt file

Yves COPPE yvescoppe at
Sun Jul 26 14:48:24 EDT 2009

Le 26-juil.-09 à 19:51, Richard Gaskin a écrit :

> Yves COPPE wrote:
>> 1) how can I save the txt file on my personal web site  (it is not  
>> a  rev-server)
> Two ways to send data to a server are FTP and POST via HTTP.  From  
> anything running on a public client FTP would expose your password  
> unnecessarily, so using POST to send the data to a CGI would  
> probably be the better option.
>> 2) how can I easily transform the tab-return file in html format  
>> to  incorporate the table in a html page
> You could walk through the data and put the necessary HTML tags  
> around the data with a function like this:
> function TabToHtmlTable pData
>  set the itemdel to tab
>  put "<table>"&cr into tHtml
>  repeat for each line tLine in pData
>    put "<tr>" after tHtml
>    repeat for each item tItem in tLine
>      put "<td>"& tItem &"</td>" after tHtml
>    end repeat
>    put "</tr>"&cr after tHtml
>  end repeat
>  put "</table>" after tHtml
>  return tHtml
> end TabToHtmlTable

Hi Richard,

Thank you, the function above does exactly what  I need

but for question 1)
I don't master the POST comand

I've hav read it in the dictionary
but I cannot send the file on my webserver

Can you please give me an example ?

Let's say my name is "yves" and my password is "1234"
The variable containing the data to save is in a script of a revlet
I first transform my data(in the variable) with the function above

How can I create a file on the server using the post command with the  
variable data transformed in HTML ?



yvescoppe at

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