Highlight instances of found text

Wilhelm Sanke sanke at hrz.uni-kassel.de
Wed Jul 8 05:19:58 EDT 2009

On Wed Jul 8, 2009, Sivakatirswami katir at hindu.org wrote:

> Aloha and Namaste, Peter
> Thank you!  this is very helpful... it's what I was looking for, but my
> string manipulation skills are not as strong as yours and I defaulted to
> the old "hack" which is to use find and then FoundChunk, which always
> *seems* to work well, but often introduces some unsolvable gremlin.  
> e.g. my function passes all lines/Paragraphs containing the search
> string to a field for review, highlighting every instance of the found
> text. The user can then print this out after editing it.
> Using "Supreme Being" it found all the instances, but for some
> mysterious reason highlighted all instances except
> "Supreme Being;
> (snip)

It may be additionally worthwhile to have a look at the scripts of my  
"Hypertext Annotations" stack (2004), where searched strings are 
highlighted irrespective of other leading or trailing characters.



Wilhelm Sanke


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