[weblet] How can a webLet communicate with the hosting html page?

Len Morgan len-morgan at crcom.net
Mon Jul 6 07:39:09 EDT 2009

I don't see why this is that hard to do.  After all, we can pass command 
line parameters to a stand alone can't we?  How is this any different?

I think the confusion is that it sounded like you wanted to change the 
size of the rect AFTER it was already up and running (re-size) which 
COULD be difficult if not impossible to pull of in a revLet.


Robert M. wrote:
> exemple of param. variable was in html code... i stripped of the tags
> object classid="CLSID:B2EC94AF-4716-4300-824A-3314BF23664A" width="320"
> height="240"
> 	param name="src" value="YOURSTACKFILEURL.rev"
> 	param name="type" value="application/x-revolution"
> 	param name="stack" value="StackName
> 	param name="instanceID" value="0" 
> -- User global variables proposed
> 	-->  param name="contextPage" value="ID234667"
> 	-->  param name="contextDiv" value="ID99999"
> 	embed src="YOURSTACKFILEURL.rev" type="application/x-revolution"
> width="320" height="240" stack="StackName" instanceid="0"
> 	/embed
> /object

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