Load images at proportional size

Mark Schonewille m.schonewille at economy-x-talk.com
Sun Jul 5 04:34:59 EDT 2009

Hmmm.... yes, Josep might want to use my function with formattedHeight  
and formattedWidth rather than regular height and width.

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
Snapper Screen Recorder 2.1 http://snapper.economy-x-talk.com

If you sent me an e-mail before 21 June and haven't got a reply yet,  
please send me a reminder.

On 5 jul 2009, at 10:21, Sarah Reichelt wrote:
> If you get the formattedHeight of the image and the formattedWidth of
> the image, that tells you the original number of pixels.
> If you pick a fixed height or a fixed width for the display image, you
> can calculate what the other dimension should be and set the size of
> the image object accordingly.
> Make sure you set the lockLoc of the image to true or it will resize
> to the full dimensions of the image when the stack is opened.
> Cheers,
> Sarah

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