Unicode in stack title

Richmond Mathewson geradamas at yahoo.com
Sun Jan 18 15:55:26 EST 2009

When I did this:

on mouseUp
  put unidecode("ХЛЯБ","Bulgarian") into TWORD
  set the name of wd "untitled 1" to TWORD
end mouseUp

it put ïãüÅ into the name of the stack.



on mouseUp
  put unidecode("ХЛЯБ","Bulgarian") into TWORD
  set the title of wd "untitled 1" to TWORD
end mouseUp

produced similar results.


I don't think it is safe to assume end-users will have their
computer OS language settings set to their native language.

For instance, here in Bulgaria, as setting Windows to Bulgarian, results in a half-cock job, most professionals leave the OS setting as English US;
this does not always mean they know any English - they just learn enough
cues to navigate around the OS to serve their needs.


Probably the way to guarantee that your window title appears
in the language and writing system of your choice rests in
having a font of that writing system embedded in your stack/standalone.

sincerely, Richmond Mathewson.

A Thorn in the flesh is better than a failed Systems Development Life Cycle.


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