Card Size Limits and middle-aged eyes.

Richmond Mathewson geradamas at
Wed Feb 4 07:24:17 EST 2009

Barry Barber wrote:

"Glad someone has realised we do not have to remain restricted to the card 
size limits of HC and  MacSE. My eyes are blessing you!"

I will be 47 on Saturday, and while I am lucky enough not to
have to wear specs (yet), I am also lucky enough to have a VDU that
has a 1400 x 1050 display capacity. In my school all the Ubuntu boxes
are set to display at 1024 x 768 - and I design all my teaching software
for that standard. I also believe it is reasonable to expect 99% of
computer uses to have access to at least that screen resolution.

Certainly, a lot of 'widgets' that RunRev Use-List people have produced
have "made my eyes go funny"; therefore I tend to favour overly big
objects rather than the other way round.

sincerely, Richmond Mathewson.


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