HTMLText question

Phil Davis revdev at
Thu Dec 17 01:06:22 EST 2009

On 12/16/09 8:04 PM, Kay C Lan wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 2:49 AM, Robert Brenstein<rjb at>  wrote:
>> A tad safer and more general technique is to
>> put "<box>" before word 2 of tHtml
>> put "</box>" after word 2 of tHtml
>> As other said, variable have htmltext property, just the content which can
>> be html, so you need to work with it directly. Html comes into effect when
>> such a content is put into a field and then displayed to user.
>> Robert
> I'm totally confused. I am not aware that variables have a htmlText
> property? When I try to access it I keep getting an error message.

You're right. Variables don't have an "htmlText" property, only fields 
do. This agrees with the Rev docs description and is the way it really 

I think maybe Robert meant "variable DON'T have htmltext property", and 
was saying you can put the htmlText of a field into a variable, 
manipulate it, then set the htmlText of the field to the manipulated 
contents of the variable to display it in rendered form.

> Secondly, using the keyword 'word' when dealing with htmlText doesn't seem
> to be a safe option to me at all, in fact it would be the last option I'd
> think of using. If a field contained multiple lines of words, formatted in
> all sorts of weird and wonderful ways, and the htmlText of one of those
> lines might look like this:
> <p><font color="#FF0000"><b>boink</b></font></p>
> If I were to use the keyword 'word', Rev considers
> <p><font
> to be the first word and the second word is
> color="#FF0000"><b>boink</b></font></p>
> putting "<box>" and"</box>" before and after any of these words will result
> in ill formed HTML.
> Granted, if you do a grep for>([^<]*)<  you can extract just the content
> between the html tags and then using the 'word' keyword will work for you.
> But now that I appreciate that this original post is related to another post
> where I put forward the idea of using the 'token' keyword, I'll suggest it
> again. Doing grep and trying to keep track of where in a line of html text
> you are and what word needs to be replaced with what, plus needing to deal
> with all the punctuation marks that get included inside what Rev considers
> is a word, is very involved for this old brain and dare I say, unsafe or at
> least fraught with possible errors. Using token, there are only a few
> special characters you have to account for, you can then just run through
> every token and when you get a match:
> put "<box>"&  token tTokenCounter of tHtmlText&  "</box>" into token
> tTokenCounter of tHtmlText
> Probably not the fastest way, but relatively simple.

I'll take simple over snazzy any day of the week. That way, when I come 
back to it in six months I might be able to look at the code and 
immediately know what it's doing! I love it when that happens.

Another approach I've taken is to reformat the htmlText into something 
more given to processing, then process it, then restore the original 
format. Like this:

on mouseUp
    get withBoxTags(the htmlText of fld 1)
    put it -- so you can inspect the htmltext output
    set the htmlText of fld 1 to it
end mouseUp

function withBoxTags pHtmlText
    -- replace existing CRs with a char not found in pHtmlText
    replace cr with numToChar(250) in pHtmlText

    -- reformat the text for processing
    replace ">" with (">" & cr) in pHtmlText -- each ">" now ends a line
    replace "<" with (cr & "<") in pHtmlText -- each "<" now starts a line
    filter pHtmlText without empty -- remove blank lines

    -- insert "box" tags
    repeat for each line tLine in pHtmlText
       if char 1 of tLine = "<" -- not a 'data' line
       then put tLine & cr after tNewText
       else put "<box>" & tLine & "</box>" & cr after tNewText
    end repeat

    -- restore original format
    replace cr with empty in tNewText
    replace numToChar(250) with cr in tNewText

    -- return it to caller
    return tNewText
end withBoxTags

The above code may not accomplish exactly what you're trying to do, but 
it illustrates the idea.
Phil Davis

PDS Labs
Professional Software Development

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