A Rev Web Project and On-Rev working together?

Björnke von Gierke bvg at mac.com
Wed Dec 16 16:45:14 EST 2009

A http server (like on-rev) needs to always return something. making  
that something (as in your case) be "<html></html>" seems to be rather  
unusual and nondescript, but should work. still you might want to  
check "the result" in your rev stack, to make sure the script on the  
server actually works as expected.

Also, you're missing validation and security. anyone can write  
anything into your text file, if he or she wants to, and sooner or  
later they will. If there are a lot of users  (hundrets per second),  
you might also run into the problem of some text not being stored in  
the file, because another user overwrites the first change (competing  
file access).

Note that there's script errors in your supplied example, so i guess  
you're missing those too. For example "URL:" in the irev file should  
of course be "URL", and probably i'm missing some too :)

A file created by you might not be accessible to the process the web  
server runs at (unix user handling and file access restrictions). But  
this is more a "what if everything else is correct and it still fails  
unexpectedly" scenario.

If things don't work, try to return stuff. for example putting the  
data into the text field might fail, and then "the result" would  
contain useful information so you might want to return that:
put the result

i think that setting the clipboard, without the user demanding it, is  
evil, and should never be done (ever).

On 16 Dec 2009, at 22:06, John Patten wrote:

> Hi All!
> I have a little rev project that I will eventually turn into  a  
> webRevProject. I would like to have this little webRevProject  
> project store a line of text into an on-rev text file. I'm not quite  
> getting it right...
> Here are the three parts that I have:
> 1. Rev Projects  Script
> put theSentence & "  -created in " & totalTime & " seconds" into  
> theSentence
>   set the clipboardData["text"] to theSentence
>   put "sentence" & "=" & urlEncode(theSentence) into tMyPostData
>   post tMyPostData to URL "http://jpatten.on-rev.com/xmas/saveSentence.irev 
> "
> 2. SaveSentence.irev
> <html>
> <?rev
> put $_POST["sentence"] & return after URL: "file:sentence.txt"
> ?>
> </html>
> 3. sentence.txt  (a blank text file waiting to be written to)
> Is there something I missed?
> Thank you!
> John Patten
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