long FieldName to owning stackName

Scott Morrow scott at elementarysoftware.com
Tue Aug 25 05:46:38 EDT 2009

What about this variation?

if word -5 of the long name of control x is "stack" then
      put word -4 of the long name of control x into tStackName
  else -- the stack hasn't been saved yet
      put word -1 of the long name of control x into tStackName
end if

On Aug 25, 2009, at 2:27 AM, William Marriott wrote:

> why not:
> the last word of the long name of control x
> Jim Ault wrote:
>> one way is to
>> get the long name of fld 1
>> replace "/" with cr in IT
>> get char 1 to -2 of line -1 of IT
>> Jim Ault
>> Las Vegas
>> On Aug 25, 2009, at 12:46 AM, Scott Morrow wrote:
>>> I'm guessing that there is an elegant way of deriving the name of  
>>> the owning stack when given the long name of a field.   
>>> Unfortunately my current strategy feels a chunking hack.  :  )   
>>> Ideas?
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