A Slightly More Complex revLet Question

Mark Schonewille m.schonewille at economy-x-talk.com
Sun Aug 9 13:33:13 EDT 2009

Hi Len,

Yes, if the server allows it, you can do all you describe. It is  
indeed recommendable to use a cgi or irev to connect to MySql. I use  
PHP for this. Many hosts, including yours sincerely, don't allow a  
direct a connection to a database from a MySQL client.

Why would you put effort into keeping a connection alive? I don't  
think that keeping a connection alive will increase transaction speed  
significantly, unless you can connect to a database directly, without  

You can write a cgi or php script, for instance, which interprets a  
query from your client and executes it. I would consider this rather  
insecure, because a hacker who finds out how to send queries gets full  
control over your database.

You can get a url or use the post command to connect to a server and  
send your query from your revlet the same way you can from a desktop  

Why is this complex?

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering

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On 9 aug 2009, at 18:43, Len Morgan wrote:

> I'm trying to convert one of Tcl/TK programs to work on a web server  
> instead of the desktop.  Because of the Sarbanes/Oxley Act, this  
> will save them a lot of money.
> My question is:
> I can convert the screens/tabs/menus fairly easily to a revLet.  In  
> fact, this is going rather smoothly.  The problem is that the data  
> to fill the fields comes from a SQL server.  I assume that I'm going  
> to need some sort of .cgi/.irev program to send a query to and get  
> the results back from.  Will this require a connect/disconnect every  
> time I need to get data?  Can I create a generic cgi/irev program to  
> receive a query and return tab delimited records?
> Better still, can I "connect" from my revLet and keep the connection  
> open and talk to the server directly from the revLet?
> As I said in my subject, this is a much more complex use of the  
> revLet than I've seen talked about here.
> Any help and/or advice would be appreciated.
> Len Morgan
> KTTK, Inc.

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