Mac Virus - Reliable source

Richmond Mathewson geradamas at
Mon Apr 20 13:59:23 EDT 2009

This should be enough, for now :)

I think just about anyone on this list could, if they were really that
nasty, write something that could do quite a lot of damage to a Mac
(or Win or Lin, for that matter - RR is cross-platform); however it would,
at least, require the computer user to start it up. 

I, personally, think it is much more fun to write EFL content-delivery
software to "infect" young minds with the sheer joy of discovering
new things and new ways of looking at the world: oddly enough, most of
the children who are so "infected" keep coming back instead of having to
invest in expensive 'anti-virus' treatment.

I cannot even begin to understand what is so interesting about spoiling
other people's hard work.

sincerely, Richmond Mathewson.

A Thorn in the flesh is better than a failed Systems Development Life Cycle.


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