On-Rev: We've listened

Brian Yennie briany at qldlearning.com
Thu Apr 16 15:57:59 EDT 2009

Very exciting to see this released. Just two thoughts:

1) The $499 deal is nice, but I'm hoping there will be some free  
option out soon. I'd love to start playing (and have no problem  
installing an Apache module on my own server), but can't budget $500  
with no idea if I'll really want to use it for a project. That's a lot  
to invest in a web host with no track record, at least for me, when I  
have plenty of spare capacity on my own machines. I understand the  
approach, just my 2 cents.

2) Debugger, debugger, debugger. Get that right and I think this has a  
shot at attracting developers from other languages. You'll have a hard  
time convincing PHP guys that Rev syntax is a reason to switch. But...  
a true "no brainer" debugger... THAT is a reason to check it out if  
you are currently happy with PHP / Perl / Ruby / et al.

- Brian

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