Mail merge in Run Rev

James Hurley jhurley0305 at
Sun Sep 14 10:21:55 EDT 2008

This is a new area for me, but I'm sure it is a common task for many  
of you.

I have a mail merge job for a local election.

I have generated all the data in RR for the letter, i.e. the label  
and the greeting for the letter from the election data base. (This  
greeting is a little complicated and that's where RR comes in. It is  
necessary to construct a greeting for the household, a household  
which may contain several people and some with different last names.  
Anyway Rev is  good at that part.)

Is there a convenient way to do the merging of this data with the  
letter  in RR or should I just export the data to File Maker and  
construct the letter there?

In RR would  you store the data and the text of the letter in  
variables, putting them together to construct the text for the field  
and then revprintfield in a repeat loop, one loop for each letter? Is  
this very slow? I have a lot of letters to do.

And how can one deal with the formatting, for example center the  
addressee's name and address at the top of the field, RR allows only  
alignment for the entire field?


Jim Hurley

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