QT: how do I determine the topleft of a field within a moveble group?

Wilhelm Sanke sanke at hrz.uni-kassel.de
Tue Sep 9 15:14:49 EDT 2008

William de Smet williamdesmet at gmail.com wrote:

> Hi Mark,
> Something like:
> on mouseup
> set the height of fld "xxx" to the formattedheight of fld "xxx"
> set the topleft of fld "xxx" to the current topleft of fld "xxx"
> end mouseup
> This doesn't work for me. Maybe I am doing something wrong?
> Greetings,
> William

I encountered a similar problem of when trying to set the loc (or 
topleft or whatever) of an image, which can be of different sizes, 
inside a group, i.e. at the time when the image takes on a different size.

I found that using "set the loc" of that image inside the group is 
without effect, the image's topleft invariably will be set to that of 
the group.

The workaround for me was to "move" the resized image to the proper 
location, like

"move image x to 450,340 in 5 milliseconds".

Seems like a bug, but there are other problems with groups.


Wilhelm Sanke

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