Text of an image

Klaus Major klaus at major-k.de
Fri Sep 5 13:56:20 EDT 2008

Hi Ken and all,

>> The lockLoc of the second image must either be false OR the second
>> image must be the exact same size as the first image. Otherwise the
>> image/alphaData of the two images will not be the same.
> Right. Here's a "cheat sheet" for those who care:  ;-)
> the imageData of <imgObj>...
> ...

thanks a lot for this one, Ken, very useful info!

Mabe the following is of some interest for Mac users* in this context.

*This uses QuickTime player objects and one cannot say that
QuickTime is "optimized" for Windows or vice versa ;-)

I made some test about 2 years ago to see how fast one could resize
large images in Rev. I timed the same actions for referenced images
and for players.

The test were made with OSX on a G4 with 1 Ghz and 1 GB RAM!

1. I set the filename of a Rev image/player
2. computed the correct proporional thumbnail size from the "formatted  
3. locked the screen and
4. resized the image/player

Dimensions are in pixels, times in milliseconds.
Thumbnail sizes show the max height/width.

Image dimensions: 2560*1920
Thumbnailsize: 60*60
Rev img: 1786
Player: 78

Image dimensions: 2560*1920
Thumbnailsize: 100*100
Rev img: 1822
Player: 85

Image dimensions: 2560*1920
Thumbnailsize: 150*150
Rev img: 1896
Player: 75

Image dimensions: 2560*1920
Thumbnailsize: 200*200
Rev img: 1822
Player: 79

Image dimensions: 2560*1920
Thumbnailsize: 300*300
Rev img: 1924
Player: 76

Image dimensions: 3440*2580
Thumbnailsize: 150*150
Rev img: 2991
Player: 74

Very impressive I think, hope some find it useful.


Klaus Major
klaus at major-k.de

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