semi-OT: can Rev pre-populate data on a web form?

Chris Sheffield cmsheffield at
Thu Sep 4 13:58:21 EDT 2008

We want our customers to go through a registration process. So the  
standalone would open a url to a form on our web site. The only reason  
we're going to a web form instead of using a form in the application  
is because we want an email message sent to us upon submitting the  
information. I've explored Sarah's smtp library for sending email from  
Rev, which I'm sure is great, but for some reason I can't get it to  
work. I can't get it to connect to our smtp server. Anyway, that's a  
different topic.

So my main question is, can Rev send data to a web form like this in  
such a way that whatever fields we specify will be populated when the  
browser/form opens? Not sure if something like this is even possible.  
I haven't done enough web development to know. Is some special  
JavaScript required to accomplish this? In thinking this through a  
little more, if we have a web form that's already set up to send an  
email, can't I take advantage of that in Rev by creating my own form  
and then sending the data straight to the cgi behind the form? Once  
again, I haven't done much web dev, so I may not even know what I'm  
talking about. :-)

If anyone can help or can offer any other suggestions for how to  
accomplish something similar, it'd be much appreciated.


Chris Sheffield
Read Naturally, Inc.

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