Version 3 for Linux my 2.9 says it is current

Bob Hartley rev at
Tue Oct 28 08:30:26 EDT 2008

Hi All

Been away for a while and I'm now going to code an app. :-) I'm 
therefore going to become a newbie again because I've probably forgot 
everything. Sorry in Advance :-) Anyway I've always kept my early bird 
update license going and installed 2.9 on my linux machine (crossgraded 
from windows recently) I now see that there is a version 3. However, my 
2.9 says that there are no updates available.

I don't want to pester runrev down the road in sunny Edinburgh if I can 
get a quick answer here. Can anyone give me a quick pointer to the 
download or upgrade path if it is direct with runrev.

All the best
Bob in Sunny Scotland: Honest :-)

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