AW: building a installer with rev

Tiemo Hollmann TB toolbook at
Mon Nov 17 03:30:22 EST 2008

Hello Franz,
Yes, I have also thought about this approach and will follow that.
Thank you for your thoughts

> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: use-revolution-bounces at [mailto:use-revolution-
> bounces at] Im Auftrag von runrev at
> Gesendet: Montag, 17. November 2008 09:19
> An: use-revolution at
> Betreff: Re: building a installer with rev
> Grüß Dich Tiemo,
> 1) Perhaps you should try a mixed approach with an installer doing the
> hard things and your application doing the additional needs you want:
> a small installer + your own routines for copiing from the DVD after start
> of your installed application.
> Make an installer for example with installgadget with just a few files
> necessary for installation, running, registry settings and uninstall.
> start.exe ->start.rev
> Your own application could then do the rest when the installed version
> starts (the first time or whenever the user wants to copy the videos from
> DVD to the drive):
> * find the location of the DVD
> * Let the user define a folder where to store the videos (the installation
> folder might be not good for such an amount of videos on different
> drives/partitions) and store this location in a userproperty ;-) of the
> installed start.rev or in a file.
> * copy all files from the DVD to this folder
> * your start.rev should check during start whether a local media folder
> has been created or the videos of the DVD must be used.
> Regards, Franz
> Mit freundlichen Grüßen
> Franz Böhmisch
> boehmisch at
> GF Animabit Multimedia Software GmbH
> Am Sonnenhang 22
> D-94136 Thyrnau
> Tel +49 (0)8501-8538
> Fax +49 (0)8501-8537

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