Printing options from answer printer

Bill Vlahos bvlahos at
Wed Nov 12 22:21:48 EST 2008

Thanks Jan.

Here is the code I came up with. I want a half inch (36 pixels) margin  
on all sides.
   case "Print Window..."
          if the printPaperOrientation = "portrait" then
             put item 1 of printPaperSize - 36 into vX -- 36 = 0.5  
inch margin should be supported on all printers
             put item 2 of printPaperSize - 36 into vY
             put item 1 of printPaperSize - 36 into vY -- 36 = 0.5  
inch margin should be supported on all printers
             put item 2 of printPaperSize - 36 into vX
          end if
          answer printer as sheet
          if the result is not "Cancel" then
             if (the width of this stack > vX) or (the height of this  
stack > vY) then -- window bigger than paper
                if (item 4 of the rect of this card / vY) > (item 3 of  
the rect of this card / vX) then -- which ratio will be limiting
                   set the printScale to  (vY - 36) / item 4 of the  
rect of this card
                   set the printScale to  (vX - 36) / item 3 of the  
rect of this card
                end if
                set the printScale to 1
             end if
             set the printMargins to 36,36,36,36 -- 0.5 inch margin
             print this card
          end if

The resulting printout includes the menu items above the window (on a  
Mac - not tested on Windows). How do I prevent it?
Bill Vlahos

On Nov 10, 2008, at 11:59 PM, Jan Schenkel wrote:

> When you use this 'print into rect' approach,
> Revolution ignores the 'printScale' property; so if
> you want to 'print into rect' with scaling to ensure
> that everything fits while preserving a relative size,
> you'll need to tweak your paper rectangle a bit.
> Continuing with the above example of a rectangular
> area on your card, you would have something like:
> (mind the line wrappings)
> ##
> on mouseUp
>   answer printer as sheet
>   if the result is "Cancel" then exit mouseUp
>   set the printerOutput to "preview"
>   put the topleft of graphic "PrintRect" into
> theTopLeft
>   put the bottomRight of graphic "PrintRect" into
> theBottomRight
>   put "30,100,500,700" into thePaperRect
>   -- now we calculate how we can save the relative
> size
>   put item 1 of theBottomRight - item 1 of theTopLeft
> \
>      into theOriginWidth
>   put item 2 of theBottomRight - item 2 of theTopLeft
> into \
>      theOriginHeight
>   put item 3 of thePaperRect - item 1 of thePaperRect
> into \
>      thePrintWidth
>   put item 4 of thePaperRect - item 2 of thePaperRect
> into \
>      thePrintHeight
>   put thePrintWidth / theOriginWidth into
> theWidthRatio
>   put thePrintHeight / theOriginHeight into
> theHeightRatio
>   if theWidthRatio > theHeightRatio then
>      put round(theOriginWidth * theHeightRatio) into
> thePrintWidth
>   else if theWidthRatio < theHeightRatio then
>      put round(theOriginHeight * theWidthRatio) into
> thePrintHeight
>   end if
>   put item 1 of thePaperRect + thePrintWidth into \
>      item 3 of thePaperRect
>   put item 2 of thePaperRect + thePrintHeight into \
>      item 4 of thePaperRect
>   print this card from theTopLeft to theBottomRight
> into thePaperRect
> end mouseUp
> ##
> HTH,
> Jan Schenkel.

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