Zooming to Center

Paul Gabel paulgabel at comcast.net
Sat May 17 23:52:34 EDT 2008

Hi Mark:

Just include "set the loc of image "The Image" to the screenLoc"  
inside every iteration of the loop that is zooming your image.

Paul Gabel
On May 17, 2008, at 7:30 PM, Mark Greenberg wrote:

> I have an image that is much larger than the stack.  I have two  
> buttons, ZoomIn and ZoomOut.  They do their jobs as far as zooming  
> in and out by resizing the image, but I would like the part of the  
> image that is in the center of the screen to stay there during the  
> zoom (when possible).  Right now it moves around and I can't figure  
> out the math to make it seem to zoom to (or from) the part of the  
> picture that is in the center of the card.
> 	Thanks in Advance,
> 		Mark Greenberg
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