RRe: Continues flds

Peter Brigham pmbrig at gmail.com
Fri May 9 15:27:40 EDT 2008

On May 8, 2008, Eric Chatonet <eric.chatonet at sosmartsoftware.com> wrote:

> Bonjour Hershel,
> Le 8 mai 08 à 00:53, Hershel Fisch a écrit :
>> I'm trying to have text in a field and in the next page (like a
>> book) or
>> card it should start where the previous page left off.
>> Hershel
> Two years ago I did it in a kind of 'book' layout: see the LAMM
> project at http://www.sosmartsoftware.com/?r=logiciels&l=en
> As the user could change the text size, I had to reorganize it on -
> the-fly and calculate 'text flow'.
> The only thing I remember well is that was tricky ;-)
> I ended by having a single card with one (or two) field containing
> the whole text (without scroll bar) and just set the scroll
> programmatically combined with a visual effect to 'fake' pages  
> turning.
> So I did not use what you call 'flds continuing' but two fields only
> even if a wipe left/right let the user think the 'card' has changed.
> May be a clue for you?
> Best regards from Paris,
> Eric Chatonet.

I have a stack that does this, The Gutenberg Reader, that allows you  
to download texts from the Gutenberg web pages and read them in a  
book-like layout. You can't change the field size but you can change  
the font. It works by putting all the text in a two fields side by  
side, and setting the scroll of each field when you go to the next  
"page." The scroll of the right-hand field (the "righthand page") is  
simply set to the the scroll of the left field + the textHeight*(the  
number of lines visible), so it acts like a book. You can download  
the standalone at
and I can email the original stack to anyone interested.
At some point I will probably tackle the problem of allowing resizing  
of the stack and field sizes and/or allowing the user to change the  
fontSize/lineHeight, but I kept it relatively simple. Once you get  
the scrolling routines set in a couple of handlers (scrollToPageNbr 
(), pageNbrToScroll(), etc) it works quite smoothly. The user has no  
idea what's happening behind the scenes.

Peter M. Brigham
pmbrig at gmail.com

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