Exporting Images of Buttons ?

Richmond Mathewson geradamas at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 26 16:59:59 EDT 2008

[I am obviously going mad; answering one's own
questions on a Use-List surely must qualify one for
the madhouse.]

the 'secret' lies in the windowID:

on mouseUp
  put the windowID of this stack into DOOR
  export snapshot from rect (the rect of btn "Button")
of window DOOR to file "DUNNIT.png" as PNG
end mouseUp

so, why did it take me so long, and why did I think it
was possibly not doable?

Frankly because the DOCUMENTATION was fairly shakey on

Download 'BUTTONER.rev' from revOnline, under
'Richmond' and see how, ultimately, simple it is!

sincerely, Richmond Mathewson


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