How to set a field to Caps or TitleCaps

Mark Schonewille m.schonewille at
Tue Mar 11 18:12:40 EDT 2008

Hi Hugh,

That should be something like this

on keyDown theKey
   put toUpper(theKey) after me
end keyDown

for all caps and...

on keyDown theKey
   if me is empty or char (word 2 of the selectedChunk) of me is space  
     put toUpper after me
   else pass keyDown
end keyDown

to have the first char of each word in upper case. You'll have to add  
a few lines to handle exceptions, such as backspace, punctuation etc.  
You want to use matchtext with regex to check for punctuation.

Or do you mean that you really want titles to be in all caps? Perhaps  
that could be something like

constant dot = "."
on returnInField
   if not (the last line of me contains dot) then
     put toUpper(the last line of me) into the last line of me
   end if
end returnInField

Obivously, there might be problems with this. If it doesn't work for  
you, you might want to be more specific about when this should happen.

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille


Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering

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On 11 mrt 2008, at 22:32, FlexibleLearning at wrote:

> Anyone figured out how to force a field to  display text as Caps  
> only, or as
> TitleCaps, whatever the state of the capsLock  key, AND as the user  
> is typing?
> It's this last bit that has me beat at the  moment.
> This doesn't work but I wish it did as a starting point...
> on keyDown tk
> put toUpper(tk) into tk
> pass  keyDown
> end keyDown
> /H
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