Testing Revolution 2.9 Beta

Richmond Mathewson geradamas at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 5 14:27:58 EST 2008

Richard Gaskin wrote:

"Leave it alone and it's fine."

Time to read the book of Genesis again :)

However, as a gnostic (c.f. geradamas) I have always
favoured the snake, so always touch, examine and eat
forbidden fruit; especially when there is not a big
label on them saying "don't touch".

Just had a go with Beta 12 inside VPC 7 with Win XP
and the revFileAssociation stack did what it was meant
to do, very prettily, Thankyou.

I know that the RevInstaller installs different things
on different operating systems (well, it would be daft
if it didn't):

when I click on revMacCursors I get the following

"Stack "revCursors" is loaded instead of this stack on
Windows and UNIX."

so, wouldn't it be a good idea to ensure that File
Association stack is not installed on a Mac?

and, by the by, the spelling error "associaton" is
fairly grotty regardless of which operating system it
loads under.

further to that Richard Gaskin wrote:

"If that's the most serious issue you're facing in
your work with Rev, 
sounds like v2.9 is pretty damn good. ;)"

Actually it is not a serious issue as far as I am
concerned, however cosmetic it maybe thoug, it may
send odd messages to new users who do not, perhaps,
have the sort of history that fat, middle-aged
computer wierdos like I have where Runtime Revolution
is, frankly addictive because it is so much better
than anything that has gone before and most of what is
available contemporaneously.

And, Oh Yes, I really got a buzz being able to use
"contemporaneously" :)

sincerely, Richmond Mathewson


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